
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD , Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental and behavioral disorder condition. In which an individual has intrusive thoughts(obsession) and mental health(compulsive) performed in response to the obsession. When you are mentally disturbed, then you can't do anything. These behaviors are aimed, at reducing the distress caused by obsessive thoughts. Obsessions: Intrusive Thought: Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience distressing, unwanted, and intrusive thoughts that often cause discomfort and anxiety. That thought feels hard to control. Most of the time you are stressed, and thoughts get horrible about everything. These obsessions lead you to do repetitive behaviors, also called compulsion. Harm and Danger Obsessions: Fearful thoughts about harming oneself or others, Even if the other person has no intention to harm. People talk to you nicely and talk about positivity, But you think they are doing something wrong to you. You keep your d

Ringworm symptoms treatment cause and food

Ringworm Quba is actually the medical name of ringworm. It is an itchy disease. It is the most common worldwide. Every year, the number of people suffering from this complaint is significant.  This disease affects all generations, all ages and all sexes. It affects the people of.  The age of those who are troubled by this disease is usually 15 to 30 years,  but this complaint can also happen to children and the elderly. Symptoms of ringworm In this disease, red or black spots appear on the skin, which are slightly raised from the surface  of the skin. The attack of this disease is mostly in the scalp, knees, elbows, lower back and thighs.  The skin becomes hard and rough and the more the patient itches,  the more severe the itching becomes. At the site of ringworm, small grains come out and merge together. In some people, a thin fluid is released from this area and in others, the area becomes completely dry,  but scaly. Both these symptoms can be seen at different times in the same per

Benefits of yogurt

  Benefit of yogurt The first and last characteristic of good and excellent curd is that it is well curdled, delicious in taste  and good quality. And the useful germs are not destroyed or wasted by this heat, but less than this  temperature is against curdling, because just as the excess and intensity of heat kills the useful germs  that coagulate the curd, the effect of the curd on different organs is as follows. are Teeth: Sometimes the fluid collects in the gums and swells them, and the teeth start moving and aching.  In this way, some of the teeth peel off, which makes the teeth look ugly. Curd has proved to be a very good and effective medicine in this regard. The use of curd is very useful  to protect the teeth and prevent them from moving.   Brain: Yogurt is the best soothing food for the brain. In hot and dry diseases of the head, it is beneficial like  compound medicines like lion juice, carrot juice, etc. In removing pigment, pumpkin is considered to be  the substitute. Eye:

Benefits of Barley

  Benefits of barley Medical experts have revealed that barley grains can play an important role in reducing body weight  and protecting against diabetes and heart disease. This grain reduces the risk of diabetes by lowering  blood sugar levels. Land University scientists have said that the secret of the benefits of barley is  hidden in its husk. Ann Nelson, associate professor of this university and the leader of this research, has said that  choosing the right dietary fiber can provide excellent health benefits in a short period of time.  Benefits can be achieved. During research, the beneficial effects of consuming barley were highlighted when the specific  combination of dietary fibers present in barley reached the intestines. After reaching the intestines,  these fibers played a significant role in increasing the number of "good bacteria" and the release of  important hormones. These are two hormones that keep the metabolism at a proper level and suppress appetite. Earli

Back Pain causes,symptom ,and treatment

  Back Pain Causes ,Symptoms ,and Treatment We should keep in mind that an injury to any part of the body can also cause back pain.  Upper spine disorders, enlarged bladder, infectious and non-infectious diseases and  hereditary conditions. Or the environment can also trigger back pain. The discomfort and  restlessness caused by back pain can feel like a sharp dagger blow or it can also be in the form  of a slight prick. Eight out of ten people suffer from back pain. The habit of sitting in a slouch can also be dangerous for your back. Sitting for a long time  without movement can also cause spasms in your back veins, muscles and make your back stiff.  But if sitting for long periods of time has become a habit of yours, take some time out and practice  the following methods: Causes and Treatment of Back Pain Lean back in your chair with a slight bend in your back and sit comfortably with your feet flat  on the floor, this way your back will be protected from strain and stiffness. Also

How to stop the hair falling naturally

  How to stop hair falling? Hair falling is the major issue in the modern generation.Hairs start falling in the early age as compared to the previous generation.what are the causes of the hair falling nowadays? Following are the major causes of hair falling in today generation: Diet issue Fast food intake  Suddenly change in the body(loss fat quickly or gain weight quickly) Daily routines issue. Do not sleep properly in good hours Late going to bed Late awake in the morning Do not take properly water Do not wash hairs Usage of shampoo to much Rub the wet hairs Some people believe that genetics will lead to hair fall but it's not true .We can delay hair fall with help of diet and daily routines. 30 percent responsible for hair fall is genetics from the mother's side ,30 percent from the father 's side but the remaining is the diet and daily routine. Here is the solution to stop hair fall naturally. Set daily routine Early to bed ,early to raise Use homemade food Avoid junk f

Mini Heart Attack

  Mini Heart Attack: A mini heart attack occurs when there is a temporary blockage in the arteries like a mini-stroke. Symptoms of mini heart attack are typically short-lived and mild. Most people feel normal during and after the mini heart attack is two reasons we call it silent. Mini heart attack symptoms: Some common symptoms are listed below: Chest pain, feeling pressure or squeezing in the chest. You may feel this for several minutes. It may come and go. You also experience pain in the throat. Tiredness and fatigue. Shortness of breath either before or while facing chest pain. Discomfort in the back, jaw, neck, or upper of the stomach. Feeling nauseous Breaking out into a cold sweat. If you ever experience these kinds of symptoms go and seek medical assistance immediately. You have to notice symptoms critically because many people experience mini heart attacks without knowing about them. Lifestyle changes to improve your heart health: Some important changes which all of you have t