
Showing posts from August, 2020

Typhoid,symptoms of typhoid fever

T yphoid  What is typhoid fever? Typhoid is a bacterial infection that becomes severe due to contaminated water, food, and sewage. It’s more common in the place where the handwash is less frequent. Typhoid is a bacterial infection that easily spreads through contaminated water and food.  It causes high fever, abdominal pains headaches, and loss of appetite.  If it treated on time, most people make recovery otherwise it's life-threatening. Typhoid fever is not a simple fever but it creates holes in the intestines and affects many other organs in the body. Typhoid fever due to the salmonella typhi bacteria. Salmonella typhimurium is the bacteria that cause typhoid. It remains in the intestine s and the bloodstream of the patient and transmitted from human to human by direct contact of feces of an infected person. It can lead to high fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. Almost 5700 people affected by typhoid in the united states and 75 percent of these start while traveli...

Dengue Fever

 Dengue What is dengue? Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection causing the severe flu and sometimes it causes a potentially lethal compilation called severe dengue. Dengue is an acute infectious disease that is characterized by headache, joint pain, a rash caused by a single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Flavivirus transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. Dengue fever also called Breakbone fever, Dandy fever. Almost 50 to 100 million people infected by dengue annually. Severe dengue firstly was recognized in the 1950s in the Philipines and Thailand.  Now it a; so affects Asia and Latin. The life cycle of the dengue fever virus involves the role of mosquito as a transmiter humans are the main victim and humans are the source of infection. How it spreads? when one human infected by dengue then that human becomes the main carrier and multiplier of the virus serving as a source of the virus for those mosquitoes who are uninfected. The virus remains in the blood of an in...

Coronary artery disease

 Coronary artery disease Almost one in two males and one in three females dies from coronary arteries disease. This is the type of heart disease that mainly affects the coronary artery. Coronary arteries supply oxygen and blood to the various parts of the heart. There are three major systems of the coronary arteries.  Left anterior descending artery Right coronary artery Circumflex coronary artery These arteries with the time and with the risk factors the deposition of the cholesterol material inside the artery done with the time. Risk factors Drinking alcohol Diet Hypertension High blood pressure Diabetes High cholesterol Smoking Due to the age Family history Genetic make up Race or ethnicity Your gender Men have high risks of heart disease at the age of 45 but women have a great risk at the age of 55. When the cholesterol deposits inside the artery it narrows the lumen resulting in the obstruction of the blood flow to the heart. It also causes a heart attack when this artery...

Heart disease

 Heart disease In the united states, 1 in women dies from heart disease. Heart disease is the number one killer in the united states, so don't think that this disease is for others. It is a major cause of disability. Heart in our body pumps the blood and it takes the blood from the rest of the body. It carries the deoxygenated blood from the body and gives the oxygenated blood to the body. Deoxygenated blood : blood that does not have carried oxygen. Oxygenated blood: blood that carries oxygen. The heart takes deoxygenated blood and transfers it into the lungs where it carries oxygen then it comes back to the heart. That oxygenated blood is pumped to the rest of the body. When the clogging done in the arteries enough, the blood flow stopped to the rest of the body. These are the arteries that carry blood to the heart. The heart also a muscle and needs itself oxygen. The arteries that carry deoxygenated blood away from the tissue of the heart are called coronary arteries. When the a...


 Cholesterol What is cholesterol? Cholesterol id the waxy fat-like substance that's made in the liver and moves throughout the bloodstream. our body needs some cholesterol for the proper work.  That's a key ingredient for the formation of new cells. As we known excess of everything is bad so too much cholesterol also leads to serious problems like heart diseases and stroke.  If cholesterol becomes too much in the body it can combine with other substances in the blood and stick to the walls of your arteries. This disease is a plaque that narrows your arteries even blocks them. Types of cholesterol There are two main types of cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is also called bad cholesterol because it's built-in the arteries and makes it narrow which leads to heart disease and stroke. Try to lower your LDL level low.L means low and lousy.  HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is a good kind of cholesterol. It carries the bad stuff from the arteries and give it back to...

Recipe for weight loss

 HEALTHY VEGETABLE RECIPE FOR WEIGHT LOSS Weight gain is the biggest problem in European countries also in Asia. People want to become slim and look more attractive and gorgeous. For weight loss, we have to change our diet and lifestyle like doing exercise, avoid junk food and cold drinks, eating vegetables and fruits. The perfect body is the dream of everyone nowadays. Due to our unhealthy diet, we gradually become overweight. Healthy and the tasty vegetable recipe I shared with you that helps you to lose weight. Ingredients we use to make this recipe are given below. 1 Garlic 1 tsp olive oil 1/4 medium yellow onion 1 medium carrot 1/4 medium red pepper 1/4 tsp ground cumin 1/8 tsp chili powder salt and black pepper 1/4 tsp dried oregano 5 OZ or 10 tsp diced tomatoes 1/2 cup vegetable broth 1/2 cup water  2 OZ red beans cooked  1 tsp chopped parsley HOW TO COOK THIS RECIPE Take a pan to add olive oil and mashed garlic(you can also cut it into small pieces). cooked it jus...

Uric acid

 Uric Acid Uric acid is good for health but an excess of uric acid causes uncomfortable symptoms. It will help to early diagnose diseases like gout and kidney stone. Uric acid is the natural waste of the body which is formed by the breakdown process of the purines chemicals that presents in human tissues and also we take in by eating certain foods. These waste dissolve in the blood and filtered through the kidneys then that waste flushed out from the body via urine. Normal ranges of uric acid in humans are: Men           3.1-7.0 mg/dL Women         2.4-6.0 mg/dL Children      2.0-5.5 mg/dL Uric acid levels increase if the kidneys never work well or never ables to filter blood then your body produces too much uric acid in the body. That's known as hyperuricemia.  Uric acid starts to crystallize in the body. That crystallized uric acid finally ends up in the kidneys as a form of stones and also gathers at the ...

Top 12 Foods for weight gain

 Foods for weight gain For some people gaining weight is as difficult as losing weight for some people. Every person never becomes happy with what they are.  But we have to feel good, happy, satisfied with our physical appearance. Now it's become a psyche that looking good means everything.  In this post, we discuss the food that we have to simply add in our diet for gaining weight or to add muscle. Here are the foods to gain weight naturally. Whole eggs Eggs are the healthiest food for muscle building nowadays. It's a great combination of proteins and healthy fats.  You should have to eat full egg despite the old and incorrect myths about their links to heart diseases due to the high content of cholesterol in the egg yolks. Very important nutrients also found in the egg yolks. One good thing more for eggs that there is no need to limits the consumption of it. To read about the complete proteins nutrients in eggs.     2. Milk Milk also used as a weight gain...

Protein in eggs

 Protein in eggs Eggs are laid by female animals of many different species like birds reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish, and eaten by humans for thousands of years. Whole egg without shell contains 6g protein and of this protein 3g is contained in the egg yolk and 3g in the egg white. Eggs are also a rich source of vitamins A, E, and K and a range of B vitamins such as B12 (energy), riboflavin, and folic acid. Eggs also contained all essential eight amino acids that are needed for optional muscles, recovery, and for building valuable minerals like calcium, zinc, and iron. In the half-boiled egg, there is 78g calorie, Fat 5.3gm, Carbhohyderates 0.6gm, and 6.3gm protein. Difference between Brown and White egg There is no difference in white or brown eggs in protein, fat, carbohydrates, and calorie. Just a difference in the color of both eggs. So it's a just myth that brown eggs are good than a white egg. Egg yolk good or bad Many people hate eggs particularly the egg yolk. Egg whit...


Anemia Anemia is the condition in which there is a lack of healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to the other parts of the body or to tissues. Your blood does not carry enough oxygen for the rest of the body.  Iron is a vitamin that mostly founds in red meat and dark green vegetables help in the transportation of oxygen throughout the blood. Your body needs to make hemoglobin for carrying oxygen to other parts. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives the red color to the blood. It carries oxygen to the rest of the body. Many people suffer from anemia but they don't know. Causes of anemia Anemia is due to the lack of iron in the body which is not enough to make hemoglobin.  That's why it is more common in people who are vegetarian and vegans. Important for you to boil the dark vegetables to get more iron, so steam food always better for you.   Main causes of anemia are Blood loss Lack of red blood cell production High rates of red blood cells destructions....