
How to stop the hair falling naturally

  How to stop hair falling? Hair falling is the major issue in the modern generation.Hairs start falling in the early age as compared to the previous generation.what are the causes of the hair falling nowadays? Following are the major causes of hair falling in today generation: Diet issue Fast food intake  Suddenly change in the body(loss fat quickly or gain weight quickly) Daily routines issue. Do not sleep properly in good hours Late going to bed Late awake in the morning Do not take properly water Do not wash hairs Usage of shampoo to much Rub the wet hairs Some people believe that genetics will lead to hair fall but it's not true .We can delay hair fall with help of diet and daily routines. 30 percent responsible for hair fall is genetics from the mother's side ,30 percent from the father 's side but the remaining is the diet and daily routine. Here is the solution to stop hair fall naturally. Set daily routine Early to bed ,early to raise Use homemade food Avoid junk f...

Mini Heart Attack

  Mini Heart Attack: A mini heart attack occurs when there is a temporary blockage in the arteries like a mini-stroke. Symptoms of mini heart attack are typically short-lived and mild. Most people feel normal during and after the mini heart attack is two reasons we call it silent. Mini heart attack symptoms: Some common symptoms are listed below: Chest pain, feeling pressure or squeezing in the chest. You may feel this for several minutes. It may come and go. You also experience pain in the throat. Tiredness and fatigue. Shortness of breath either before or while facing chest pain. Discomfort in the back, jaw, neck, or upper of the stomach. Feeling nauseous Breaking out into a cold sweat. If you ever experience these kinds of symptoms go and seek medical assistance immediately. You have to notice symptoms critically because many people experience mini heart attacks without knowing about them. Lifestyle changes to improve your heart health: Some important changes which all of you ha...

Heart Attack

  What is a Heart Attack? The second name of heart attack is myocardial infarction which happens when a part of the heart muscles does not get enough blood. “May” means muscle “cardio” means heart and “infarction means the death of tissue because there is a lack of blood supply. As time passes without treatment to restore normal blood flow, greater will be the chance of damage to heart muscles. A heart attack happens when there is a blockage in the blood flow to the heart so enough oxygen cannot reach the heart. Sometimes you may experience a mini heart attack . Heart Attack Symptoms There are some symptoms of heart attack are listed below: Feeling heaviness on the chest, pain in the chest,arm or below your breastbone. Feeling pain in your back,jaw and throat. Feeling fatigue without doing too much work. Uneven heartbeat rate. Some symptoms appear in some people.Mostly these symptoms appear in womens. Shortness of breath, mostly happens before chest discomfort. Nausea or vomiting F...


  Thalassemia Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to have less hemoglobin than a normal person has in their blood. Hemoglobin enables red blood cells to carry oxygen to the blood. Thalassemia can also cause anemia which makes you weak and you start feeling fatigued. If you have mild thalassemia then you don't need treatment because you can recover yourself and your weakness by eating healthy food and a good diet. But if you have some severe forms of thalassemia then you need regular blood transfusions. Symptoms  If you want to know if you are a thalassemia patient or not? Here is list of some important symptoms of thalassemia: Weakness Fatigue Pale and yellowish skin Swelling in abdomen Growth becomes slow Urine color become dark Deformities in facial bone If someone has just one affected hemoglobin gene then there is little chance of thalassemia. Some patients show symptoms at the birth time but some during development in early one or two years. I...

Third Trimester

  Third Trimester: The third trimester is the final stage of pregnancy which begins from week 27 to the end of pregnancy. It is a time of great prediction and quick change for both you and your child.  This trimester ends with birth. This period is stimulating both bodily and emotionally for a pregnant woman. A woman’s body faces a lot of changes during the third trimester.  Symptoms: Several physical changes may also take place during the third trimester such as: Mood swings   Shortness of breasts  Augmentation in urine  Stomachache or heartburn  Swollen feet and ankles  Scratchy skin  Stinging gums and teeth feeling slacker  There are a lot of changes that take place during the third trimester such as a change in a woman body’s, changes in the baby, and until birth takes place. We discuss in detail all the changes in women during the third trimester.To read about the symptoms of first trimester or second trimester Changes in wo...

Second trimester

  SECOND TRIMESTER:                                             A pregnancy period usually lasts for approximately 40 weeks. These weeks are divided into three trimesters. Here we are talking about the second trimester which includes weeks 13 through 27 of the pregnancy period. In the 2nd trimester, the child grows large and stronger and lots of girls begin displaying a larger belly. Maximum ladies locate that the second trimester is lots less difficult than the first, but it’s still important to be knowledgeable about your pregnancy condition in the second trimester. Understanding your pregnancy condition w...